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NASHVILLE, TN - Nov. 5, 1998 - Equinox Information Systems, a leading provider of custom and commercial software to the telecommunications industry, today introduced a suite of CDR utilities. These CDR utilities (ShowCDR, ShowCDR Deluxe, ExtractCDR, and AccessCDR) allow telcos to organize their CDR records based on the trunk group and/or billing number, give customers access to their call detail records, search open or closed CDR files, relay their CDR records to their billing system, import CDRs into spreadsheet or database applications, and create individualized call record reports on demand.
ShowCDR is a call record search utility system, allowing switch users to search and view call records from a CDR file. Records may be viewed in sequential order. Users may search for specific records utilizing sophisticated search techniques on any field or combination of values. With a simple, intuitive user-friendly interface, this call record search utility system is an inexpensive and effective mechanism to accomplish any task that requires searching and viewing CDRs.
ShowCDR Deluxe includes all of the powerful capabilities of ShowCDR, but also allows switch users to select any combination of fields from a CDR or AMA file and sort based on any of the fields selected to create customized call record reports accessible from most spreadsheet and database applications.
ExtractCDR is a CDR conversion system, allowing users to take raw binary CDRs and convert them into either ASCII or binary CDR format in batch mode or real time. In addition to the format conversion, ExtractCDR filters call detail records based on Answer Qualifiers, Bill Types, Called Number Types, Originating Trunks, and Terminating Trunks.
AccessCDR is a CDR delivery system that writes binary CDRs to one of multiple CDR files based on the originating trunk group, terminating trunk group, or billing number.
"The beauty of AccessCDR is that customers will be able to review call detail records at their own accord," said David West, Vice President Sales and Strategic Planning of Equinox Information Systems. "In this competitive telecommunications market the provision of detailed information to customers with respect to calling history or patterns gives carriers who offer this type of service a strategic advantage."
About Equinox
Equinox is one of the world's leading developers of software solutions for the telecommunications industry and widely recognized for its full range of telecom software applications backed by exceptional customer support. In addition to custom development, the company currently offers solutions in areas critical to profitability and network efficiency, including mediation, fraud management, CDR and switch administration, and network analysis. For more information, visit Equinox at www.equinoxis.com.